How Blind Bidding Works

Blind Bidding is only available on tweed jackets

Currently, blind bidding is exclusively available on our formal tweed jackets. This is a new feature, and we hope to expand it to all our products in the near future.

Blind bidding allows you to set a bid on a product without knowing what others are bidding. You can choose your bid amount, and the highest bid at the end of the timer wins the item!

No, there are no upfront payments required to place a bid. If you win, we will send you an invoice to the email address you registered with.

Once the bidding timer ends, we’ll notify the highest bidder via email. If you win, you'll receive an invoice with payment details.

If you don’t win, there are no charges or obligations. You can always try again in the next bidding round!

Each bidding round typically lasts for a set period, which will be displayed on the product page. Make sure to place your bid before the timer runs out!

Yes, multiple bids can be made by each individual.

In the event of a tie, the first bid submitted will win. So, make sure to place your bid early!

You can place as many bids as you like within the same bidding round, but remember to stay within your budget!